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20 April, 2022

Law 4919/2022 (G.G. 71/Α/7-4-2022)

In less than a month of the Law draft submission date (29 March 2022), the Greek Parliament voted and approved Law 4919/2022 (G.G. 71/Α/7-4-2022), transposing in Greek Law the Directive 2019/1151, which modified the Directive 2017/1132. The said Law aims for the extensive use of digital tools and processes in the field of Company Law, for the easier, and time-and-cost effective initiation of economic activity, by means of setting up a company or by opening a branch of that company in another Member State, and to provide comprehensive and accessible information on companies. Law 4919/2022 regulates for the transition to online procedures, as well as, for the interconnection of the Greek General Commercial Registry and One-Stop Shop (in Greek: Υπηρεσία Μιας Στάσης), with other public registries, and with the Member States’ commercial and company registries (in Greek: Σύστημα Διασύνδεσης Μητρώων Επιχειρήσεων).

Another vital provision, for the day–to-day business practice, is the establishment of a concrete procedure for the registration, in the General Commercial Registry, of company acts or data, and the establishment of a distinctive Registry of non–commercial financial activities (in Greek: Μητρώο Μη Εμπορικής Οικονομικής Δραστηριότητας). This distinctive registry enables the tracking and record of the national financial activity in electronic registries, and without a doubt, it shall contribute to the reduction of bureaucracy. Finally, the new Law 4919/2022 regulates for the internal and administrative structure of the services provided by the General Commercial Registry.


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